Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Family Ready Wii Video Game System.

The Family Ready Wii Video Game System.

Unlike lesser Nintendo Wii video game systems that only include one remote and one game, our superior system includes two remotes, two "nunchuck" controllers, and four games, providing ample opportunity for whole-family participation. An unparalleled revolution in the video game industry, the controllers use accelerometers and gyroscopes to sense tilting, rotation, and acceleration. Signals from the controllers are sent wirelessly to a sensor bar, translating your hand's movements into action on your TV's screen, allowing you to swing bats, launch balls, cast reels, and shoot at targets. A "nunchuck" controller in one hand connects to a remote in your other hand, allowing you to exercise precise, nimble control over the characters you become in your preferred game. The Wii connects to the Internet for online play and for web surfing (requires home broadband Internet connection). The system comes with four games: Wii Sport, which includes five sports minigames (tennis, baseball, bowling, and more) and Wii Play, which includes nine minigames (table tennis, laser hockey, fishing, and more); two assorted additional games are included. The system is also capable of playing older GameCube discs. Console 8 1/2" H x 2" W x 6" D. (1 lb.) Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery